Seminaire SBRI
“La recherche participative à l’Inserm“ Par Claudie Lemercier (chargée de mission associations, DR INSERM) Le jeudi 28 Novembre, à 13h00 en salle de conférence du SBRI
HDR Defense by Matteo Di Volo
Tuesday 26th of march, 10:30 at SBRI conference room “Mean field approaches to model the complexity of brain activity across spatial scales” Jury members: BERRY Hugues (INRIA Lyon) COFRE Rodrigo (CNRS Paris) DELORD Bruno (Sorbonne University, Paris) MACALUSO Emiliano (Lyon1 University, Lyon) OLMI Simona (CNR, Florence) I will present my recent contributions in the field of […]
PhD Thesis Defense by Nathan Vinçon
Using Artificial Intelligence to Integrate Histology, Anatomical tracing and MRI to Improve the Macaque Cortical Connectome Jury:Pr Zoltan TOROCZKAI, Université de Notre Dame (USA): RapporteurNicola PALOMERO-GALLAGHER, Université de Dusseldorf (Allemagne): RapporteurSophie Achard, DR GINMaria Magdolna ERCSEY-RAVASZ, Université Babes-Bolyai (Roumanie)Yujie Hou, SBRIColette Dehay, DR SBRIHenry Kennedy, DR SBRIKenneth Knoblauch, DR SBRIPr Edmund Derrington, ISC-MJ: Président Monday 4th […]
CORTEX Conference by Gergő Orbán
Head of the Computational Systems Neuroscience Lab at the Department of Computational Sciences, MTA Wigner Research Center for Physics in Budapest, Hungary Wednesday 20 december at 11:00 am ISCMJ amphi Top-down effects in visual cortical computations Top down influences are ubiquitous in the sensory system, yet their functional role is poorly understood. In particular, the […]
PhD Thesis Defense by Marie-Madeleine Trottmann
Membres du jury :Carole Kretz-Rémy, présidenteSergio Gascón, rapporteurSophie Jarriault, rapporteureChristophe Heinrich, directeur de thèse Le vendredi 15 décembre à 09h00, en salle de conférence du SBRI Abstract :Our adult mammalian brain lacks intrinsic regenerative capacity to replace lost neurons following injury/disease and induce functional recovery. The main goal of regenerative medicine is to replace lost […]
Coup de projecteur sur les organoïdes cérébraux : pourquoi et comment ? : Workshop du CRNL
Dérivés de cellules souches pluripotentes humaines (PSC), les organoïdes cérébraux sont des systèmes cellulaires auto-assemblables en 3D qui récapitulent le développement cérébral humain in vitro. Cette approche a suscité un intérêt considérable au cours des dernières années et est devenue un outil indispensable pour la recherche fondamentale sur le développement, la modélisation des maladies, le […]
CORTEX Conference by Martin Vinck
Group Leader, Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience Friday 24 November, 11am to 12am CRNL Amphi Cortical dynamics during attention and predictive processing Prof. Dr. Vinck will present recent investigations on how stimulus predictability and attention modulateneural interactions in a cell-type and layer-specific manner. He will discuss implications for the role of different frequency bands […]
Lab Meeting by Céline Amiez
“Pourquoi les singes ne parlent pas?” Jeudi 30 novembre à 13h
PhD Thesis Defense by Camille Giacometti
Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex anatomo- functional dialogue supporting behavioral adaptation in primates Thursday 9th of November 2023 at 2pm, in the amphitheatre of the Institut des Epilepsies (IDEE, Bron) Jury : Emiliano Macaluso (President) Sébastien Bouret Céline Cappe Mehdi Khamassi Julia Sliwa Céline Amiez (supervisor) Fadila Hadj-Bouziane (supervisor) Abstract: My thesis aims to explore how […]
CORTEX Conference by Hongkui Zeng
Director of Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, Washington Wednesday 28th May, 11am, CRNL Amphi Invited by Dehay-Kennedy Team Understanding Brain Cell Type Diversity As part of the BICAN consortium funded by the NIH and led by the Allen Institute for Brain Science , the Dehay-Kennedy team from the SBRI will be hosting Pr Hongkui […]