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SBRI organigram

  • The Direction, assured by Colette Dehay -with Henry Kennedy acting as deputy director- is assisted by Pascale Giroud, who is in charge of the global budget supervision as well as the coordination between SBRI and the Institutions (University, Inserm).

  • The Pilot Committee, is composed of the Director C. Dehay, H. Kennedy and the Team Leaders. Based on proposals from the Direction, it decides on scientific actions, recurrent budget use and organisational questions. The Team leaders inform the team members and the conseil de laboratoire of the decisions and actions. Important issues are announced and discussed with the whole staff during fortnightly seminars.

  • The conseil de laboratoire, a statutory committee which includes the various staff categories of a scientific “Unité”, is composed of the Directors, Team leaders, an elected representative of students and postdocs, an elected representative of non-tenured technicians and an elected member of tenured technicians.